Fit2Fit Companion

fit2fit companion

Fit2Fit Companion

What is a fit2fit companion

A fit2fit companion is an important document to any face fit tester. The British Safety Industry Federation run the fit2fit programme. The companions are guidance documents. Produced by the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) Fit2Fit competence scheme technical committee. It is a companion document to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) INDG 479 Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing. As a face fit testing company, we strive to ensure the service we offer is compliant. All testing is conducted in line with INDG479. Our testers are fit2fit accredited and we follow the relevant fit2fit companions.

The purpose of the companion

The purpose of this fit2fit companion is to provide complementary practical guidance to the requirements set out in HSE INDG 479 on conducting fit testing. Basically the separate documents offer Practical guidance on either quantitative method – ambient particle counting, quantitative method: controlled negative pressure and the qualitative methods are available in this “Fit2Fit Companion” series. Following this guidance is recommended to ensure the correct application of the fit test method.

Compliant face fit testing

When conducting face fit testing, it must be completed by a competent person. Just how do you prove competence? As per the Health and Safety guidance the fit2fit scheme is not compulsory however; “if you follow this scheme, you will be doing enough to demonstrate good practice“. The Fit2Fit RPE fit testers accreditation scheme was prepared by BSIF, industry stakeholders and experts within the HSE. We would always recommend to use a fit2fit accredited face fit tester. Fit2Fit accreditation is achieved through BSIF. To be accredited and deemed competent through the scheme there is a formal assessment process. This involves a written multiple choice exam and an assessment through a practical demonstration of face fitting in a candidates chosen method.

Want to become a face fit tester

Generally you do not require any previous knowledge. However, we recommend attending a course that has been approved by BSIF. Currently there are 7 companies in the UK who offer fit2fit approved courses. Training and Testing Services are one of 7. Therefore our course has been independently assessed to ensure it aligns with the methods of Fit2Fit and complies with best practice for fit testing. The course we deliver is a stepping stone to achieving fit2fit accreditation as a face fit tester. We also offer a free mentor service to anyone we train. To guide you through the accreditation process. Want to know more about our courses? Visit our train the tester webpage.

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