26 Oct How To Book A Compliant Face Fit Test
Accredited Face Fit Testing
The demand for face fit testing and face fit test training has grown immensely this year. So have the number of people offering these services. The difficulty with this is, how do you make the right choice to ensure the service you receive is correct and compliant?
The internet is now awash with face fit testing and RPE “experts”, but where did these people gain this expertise?
Apparently face fit testing is simple, surely you can just buy a test kit, stick someone in a mask and away you go? A statement like this is enough to send face fit testing companies in a spin, not to mention a flurry of activity on LinkedIn. The reality is that face fit testing is more involved than this. As listed in HSE document INDG 479 face fit testing has to be conducted by a competent person who has been trained in the 16 points of competence.
A recent website was advertising face fit testing. They looked the part, talk of the importance of appropriate testing, fit2fit and BSIF logos all over their website. All sounds great. They claim to be fit2fit accredited and provide fit2fit accredited certificates. But, they are not fit2fit accredited. They are misleading their customers by pretending to be something they are not. So how can they prove their competence?
Competent Face Fit Testing
Just how do you ensure you receive the best face fit testing?
The HSE State:
In preparing the Fit2Fit RPE fit testers accreditation scheme, BSIF and other industry stakeholders have worked closely with the experts in Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Following this scheme is not compulsory and employers are free to take other action to comply with the law. But if you follow this scheme, you will be doing enough to demonstrate good practice.”
TTS are fit2fit accredited to prove that our face fit testing is compliant and being conducted by a competent person. I’ve seen it before, non accredited face fit testers criticising the fit2fit community for pushing the scheme because it’s not compulsory.
First of all, they are right, it is not compulsory. But if they are not fit2fit accredited just how do they prove they are competent? What evidence do they have to show that they have achieved the standard to ensure their face fit testing is compliant? After all, this is too important to get wrong. A bad face fit test is no better than no face fit test at all.
Secondly we don’t push fit2fit, we support the scheme and are very proud to be part of it. It is like a badge of honour. Hence why it is difficult when people display the fit2fit logo claiming to be accredited when they are not.
What is Fit2Fit Accreditation?
Accreditation is not simply a case of attending a course. To be able to display the logo and achieve accreditation you must apply to BSIF and go through their theory and practical assessments as part of the accreditation process. For further details of what is involved in the fit2fit process see the candidate handbook.
Fit2fit accreditation is given to the person (not the company). Ensure the person who is testing you is fit2fit accredited. Even if they claim to be accredited, it is always worth doing your own due diligence. Check that your tester is accredited by visiting the fit2fit website and clicking on the find a tester page.
If you are only starting out in the process and have not yet found a company, why not take a look on the fit2fit website. You will find plenty of fully qualified and accredited testers.
What is Fit2Fit Approval?
With regards to training – if you want to be trained to conduct face fit testing there are a number of fit2fit approved training companies available. Approval is different to accreditation. Fit2fit accreditation is for individual face fit testers to prove their competence to be able to deliver compliant face fit testing, not training. Fit2fit approval is proof that a company can offer approved training – so they can teach you how to conduct face fit testing to an approved standard. The fit2fit approved training must be delivered by a fit2fit accredited tester and the courses are a full day in length.
Compliant and Competent Face Fit Testing
If you want reassurance that you are booking someone who is compliant and competent, follow these simple steps:
Face fit testing: check the fit2fit accredited register. Are they accredited for the type of testing that you require? i.e. qualitative or quantitative.
Face fit training: check the fit2fit approved training provider register. Are they approved for the type of training you require? i.e. qualitative or quantitative.
Face fit testing is vitally important. If you are going to the trouble of ensuring masks fit, make sure you use a qualified, accredited, tester. Have a compliant face fit test. They may be cheap, can do it in less time, or say they are qualified. Before booking face fit training or face fit testing visit fit2fit. Ensure the people you use are qualified, accredited or approved.
If you need help choosing the right training course for face fit testing visit our blog for more information.
I hope you found our blog useful, if you have any questions contact one of our friendly team.
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