01 Apr Easter at TTS
This Easter, at TTS, we have a spring in our step. What a whirlwind year it has been. When I think back to this time last year, we could never have imagined the year we had.
Whether it was a business, a family, an individual, everyone has been affected by this pandemic. COVID-19 changed our lives dramatically.
As a business, most people assumed that Training and Testing Services were lucky. We were a face fit testing company. What better industry to be in during a respiratory pandemic. The truth is, it was one of the hardest years in our working lives. I have never taken any of it for granted. The turning point for us, was the Dr who rang one Sunday in tears. She had to go back into theatre the following day wearing a mask that didn’t fit her. There were no alternative options. The UK’s supply of masks had been depleted and the options left in the hospitals was minimal. We donated everything we could in terms of equipment and time. To this day, we have a strong working relationship with that NHS Trust and their amazing teams. This is one of many stories which struck a chord during this time.
Easter 2020
Last Easter weekend, was very different to most. I spent the whole time working on a strategy to assist NHS Nightingale Yorkshire and Humber. We were proud to be their face fit testing company. I had conversations with our friends at Alpha Solway and the CEO of BSIF (on Easter Sunday of all days). Conversations I will be ever grateful for. Despite the bank holiday, they supported us to be able to help the NHS.
We forged great working relationships with people who showed true grit and determination. We personally, were not on the frontline, but we are proud to have been able to assist those who were.
Easter 2021
So, fast forward to today. The eve of the Easter weekend. Easter for the team at TTS means a well earned break. All our staff have now received their first COVID vaccinations so we are well on our way to being protected.
We are now in a fortunate position where stocks of masks/respirators, face fit testing equipment and ambient particle counting devices (AccuFit) are in plentiful supply. A position we could have only dreamed of last year.
After Easter, TTS are excited for the plans we have in place for the coming months! Watch our blogs for more updates on our new projects and face fit testing guarantees!
Quality over Quantity
For now, we are committed to ensure we provide quality training over quantity. Our open courses have been limited to 4 people to adhere to the social distancing guidelines. The positive feedback from our trainees suggests they take away a lot more from the training when we limit numbers. As a company we strive to deliver the best training that we can. With this in mind we have decided to maintain these numbers. So that our trainees get the best experience from our courses.
If you are looking to be trained how to conduct face fit testing, whether it is qualitative or quantitative. Or, you want to deliver your own abrasive wheel training programme, then we have open courses scheduled after Easter. With easy online booking and instant joining instructions you can book your course place today. All our training is accredited or approved by the relevant bodies mentioned in the HSE guidance for each subject.
Happy Easter
For now, we would like to thank you for taking the time to read our blog. A massive thank you to all our customers – past, present and future. We are excited that with Spring upon us, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy Easter from all at TTS and hope you don’t eat too much chocolate!
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