Face Fit Testing Important information


Before respirator face fit testing is undertaken it is important that you understand what is involved in the process. And what needs to happen to ensure you get the most of our respirator fit testers time on your site. Read the face fit testing important information below to find out more.

Face fit test information

We can never guarantee a single pass during face fit testing. But we always aim to get as many passes as we can in the time available. By following the steps below, you will help maximise what can be achieved.

One size may not fit all -Not every mask will fit every face. We are all different and no two faces are the same. There is a high probability that some tests will fail and this needs to be taken into account.

If you book 20 face fit tests it does not mean that you will get 20 people all passed in the same session. Sometimes the process can involve carrying out multiple tests on one individual to achieve a pass and this all takes time.

Face Fit Tests and Re-tests – A face fit test takes about 20 minutes to complete. So that means we can conduct approx. 3 tests per hour on average (per tester). Therefore, if we have to re-test, this is going to significantly reduce the number of people that we can test

Before the face fit test

There is a lot that you can do to help you get the most out of your face fit testing:

  • Anyone attending a face fit test must not eat, drink or smoke for at least 30 minutes prior to their test (qualitative testing). They can only drink water.
  • For quantitative testing no smoking, or vaping for at least an hour before the test. No eating or drinking except plain water for 15 minutes before the test.
  • Make sure your staff attend promptly for their face fit test – we will provide a test timetable. If we have to wait for 20 minutes for someone to turn up then that is the time needed for 1 face fit test.
  • Make sure that they are clean shaven (using a razor within 8 hours of the shift starting).
  • Reusable masks need to be thoroughly cleaned and in good condition prior to testing. PLEASE NOTE: If you use gas/vapour filters then a P3 particulate filter will need to be fitted to the mask for the test. We cannot test your masks without a P3 particulate filter.
  • Ensure everyone has watched the RPE training video. Legally anybody who wears a mask must be trained (see COSHH, CLAW, CAR, IRR, CSR etc.). Watching the video will enable you to be compliant and will save failures from masks not being fitted correctly etc. Prior to face fit testing, please ensure those being tested have practiced donning and doffing of the mask (unless we are supplying the mask) – the video goes through this.
  • Any head worn PPE i.e. safety glasses, goggles etc that are usually worn during their working day must be worn for the fit test (this may require more than 1 test to be carried out per person) and also be compatible with your chosen RPE.
  • Make sure that your employees are medically fit enough to wear the mask and undertake the face fit  test. We will ask before the test about any medical problems. If the test subject is in any doubt as to their medical capability to be tested, we will not test them until they have been passed as medically fit by a doctor.

More than 1 mask – If your employees wear more than 1 type of tight-fitting mask i.e. reusable half mask & full-face mask, then they will need to be tested on each mask type worn (this will require more than 1 test to be carried out per person).

Powered Hoods – Loose fitting masks do not require a face fit test i.e. powered hoods, helmets etc. as they do not form a tight seal against the wearers face.

If you do not have your own masks then for a nominal fee we can provide the mask.

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