15 Feb fit2fit accreditation
Fit2Fit Accreditation – The Road Map for RPE face fit testing. The last 2 years have been challenging for everyone. Over this period we have seen a massive increase in demand for our fit2fit accredited face fit testing services and train the tester courses.
Currently we have more face fit testers applying for accreditation under the fit2fit scheme than ever before.
Becoming a fit2fit accredited tester is not a simple case of turning up to a training course. The scheme demands far more than that, and rightly so.
Step 1: Training
The process starts with thorough training in the test method or methods that you are going to be using.
There are 2 types of respirator face fit test. Either a qualitative (taste) test which can be used on disposable or re-usable half masks only or a quantitative test which can be either done by a Controlled Negative Pressure (CNP) machine (re-usable masks only) or an Ambient Particle Counting (APC) machine (all mask types).
The person who is undertaking your training course needs to be competent in the chosen method. If they are not fit2fit accredited in that method, then how else do they prove that they are competent?
Being a competent fit2fit accredited tester does not make you a trainer/instructor, so not only do they need to be accredited they also need to hold a teaching qualification too.
Fit2fit not only run an accreditation scheme for face fit testers they also run an approval scheme for training courses too.
The content of approved courses have been judged to include all aspects of the health and safety executive’s face fitting guidance and protocols and they will be delivered by a fit2fit accredited face fit tester.
So, when choosing your training provider ensure that:
· They are accredited for that type of testing.
· They are a trainer/instructor, not just a face fit tester.
· The training course is fit2fit approved otherwise to who’s standards are you being trained.
Step 2: Practice
Competence is a combination of training, skills, knowledge, and experience, the first 3 of these can be taught, but experience can’t.
You need to put your newly acquired skills into practice and I would recommend a lot of it before you apply for accreditation and always ensure that you are testing as per the protocol in HSE document INDG479.
To assist you in this we are available (if we have trained you) to offer online mentoring of your face fit testing via teams, zoom etc. to ensure that you are doing it right.
Step 3: Fit2Fit Accreditation
Steps 1 and 2 are now completed and you are feeling confident enough to undertake the written and practical assessment that is required to pass the accreditation.
Before taking this step, please remember that the failure rate for first time applicants is quite high, so preparation is key to succeeding at the first time of asking (a re-sit of either the practical or theory test is hundreds of pounds).
Several companies offer a fit2fit accreditation preparation training course (at a price) to help you prepare for the accreditation day and to give you the best chance of success.
These courses are offered by the same people who probably trained you in the first place, so essentially, they want you to pay twice for your training, we are now offering this service free of charge to anybody that we have trained, and these courses will take place at regular intervals at our training centres in North Yorkshire and South London.
Applications for assessment to become a Fit2Fit Accredited RPE Fit Test Provider should be made to the scheme administrator, BSIF. Their you can download an application form from the website www.fit2fit.org The application form will ask you to confirm, in which of the fit test methods (eg Quantitative (APC) or (CNP) or the / Qualitative method) you wish to be accredited. to.
At TTS we have been training and testing for a long time now and in that time, we have successfully guided numerous people through the fit2fit accreditation process as well as going through it ourselves several times.
For more information please contact one of our friendly team who will be happy to help. Or drop us an email.
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