Mobile TTS – Truck 2 Mobile Classroom & Face Fit Testing Unit
We launched Truck 1 at the start of the summer. We have been exceptionally busy travelling all over the UK. Carrying out respirator face fit testing and conducting training courses in it ever since.
The truck was used for 6 weeks in collaboration with University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust (UHMBT) to provide a mobile respirator face testing service on multiple Hospital sites within the trust.
Since then, truck 1 has been busy carrying out face fit testing for Openreach across the UK and conducting face fit testing & training courses on behalf of other customers too.
We realised that the demand for truck 1 was rapidly exceeding our availability. So we started the search for a 2nd truck, which was easier said than done.
Truck 1 was designed and refurbished to allow for the perfect environment for carrying out quantitative respirator face fit testing. Truck 1 also has the ability to be used as a mobile classroom too.
Mobile TTS Truck 2 needed to be different. So, this time we have a bespoke mobile classroom that can seat up to 6 trainees plus an instructor. However this truck can also be easily used for carrying out respirator face fit testing too.
Both trucks are well equipped for face fit testing and training courses:
On-Board Generators
Heating & Air Conditioning
Internet Access
Seating & Desks
Smart Board, Projector or Flat Screen TV
Enough Space for 6 Trainees & Instructor
Plenty of Space for 2 Face Fit Testers to Work
To book our mobile units or for further information on mobile TTS, please contact us.

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