05 Sep Training & Testing Services Turns 10
Training & Testing Services – The Start
Training & Testing Services turns 10. Here at Training & Testing Services or TTS as we are more commonly referred to, we pride ourselves on offering the best training courses and products that we can at a realistic price and we are proud to say we have been doing it for 10 years. In the beginning, myself (Jo Wood) and my husband Dave Wood decided to focus on setting up a professional, honest and reliable company. This is still our priority today.
September 2018 sees us celebrating 10 years since we officially started our business. No-one is more shocked than us at how quickly that ten years has gone by. From day one we decided we wanted to offer a genuine, honest and reliable service.
Abrasive Wheels Training
Initially, we decided to focus on abrasive wheels training as this was Dave’s specialty. Starting from our spare bedroom, I would answer the odd enquiry. My experience of organising offices and generating business and Dave’s expertise in conducting training was the perfect way to begin building our business.
BAF Accreditation
In 2009 business had picked up so much that we moved our business to a log cabin in the back garden. Dave was travelling the length and breadth of the country and I was printing, signing and laminating every training certificate. We applied for BAF Accreditation in 2011. The British Abrasives Federation is the only accreditation programme recognised by HSE for abrasive wheels training (HSG17 – safety in the use of abrasive wheels). Becoming BAF accredited was a real achievement for us because it proved to our customers that the training that we delivered was the best that they could get. With Dave’s past experience working for a major company grinding glass, I don’t think you could get anyone more experienced in the field of abrasive wheels training. From this point our business began to grow from strength to strength.
Accreditations & Affiliations
We recognised that people trusted companies who were able to display accreditations and affiliations. In addition to being BAF Accredited, we are proud to be fit2fit accredited for both qualitative and quantitative face fit testing. We are IATP registered (Independent Asbestos Training Providers), BSIF members, BSIF registered safety suppliers, accredited suppliers for JSP PowerCap Infinity and we continue to develop our courses and products so that we can offer our customers the best that we can.
Our Offices
In 2016 we had outgrown our log cabin and moved to the Rudding Park, whilst also having our own training room in Scotton.
In 2017 we decided to relocate our business to Scotton so we were all in one location. This worked well, however, being in a shared building had its problems. Our company was dotted around the first floor.
February 2018 saw us move to the building behind at Tilcon House. We now have self contained offices and a bespoke practical area for all our open courses.
In 2012 we saw a rapid growth in our business which meant that we needed more staff to cope with demand. Richard Sunderland joined our training team bringing with him a wealth of training experience. Richard is our Southern Area Training Manager and covers the Southern part of the UK. The same year Pam Forster joined our admin team as Office Manager and brought with her vast administration experience. Both Richard and Pam were great assets to our company and are still helping us grow our business today. Alicia Di Virgilio first joined us straight from school in 2014 and was an enormous help in our office. After taking some time out to go travelling Alicia returned in 2018, bringing with her a wealth of customer service experience gained during her time away from the business. Alicia is our Office Administrator and provides huge support and assistance in our office.
10 Years
Training & Testing Services Turns 10! In 10 years we have developed a business that offers quality, accredited training and products. We continue to grow our business day to day with the experience we gain and the feedback from customers. We couldn’t have done any of this without our customers and for that we thank each and every one.
Thank you
As a thank you to all our customers we are offering 10% off everything. Take advantage of this offer by quoting 2018TEN for any bookings or orders placed in September. Quote at checkout, on the phone or in your email to enjoy your discount. Help us in celebrating the fact that Training & Testing Services Turns 10.
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