31 Jan Why Use TTS
“Why should we use TTS” is a common question for us. At Training and Testing Services (TTS) we pride ourselves on the quality of the training and testing that we deliver. However, don’t take our word for it. You can see below we deliver an accredited and approved service. In addition to this, all training is in line with the relevant Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance.
TTS Accreditations
From day one starting our business, we decided we wanted to set ourselves apart from the competition. We prove this by achieving the relevant qualifications. We have accreditations and approvals for abrasive wheel training, face fit testing, first aid training and face fit training. Our customers can be confident in on our ability to help them achieve compliance with the law.
Fit2Fit Accreditation
Our team of qualified face fit testers have all achieved the industry standard of fit2fit accreditation. So why use TTS over other face fit testing companies? Our team are all accredited by fit2fit to conduct face fit testing. In addition to this, our team strive to get the most out of your sessions. We can comfortably conduct 10 tests in half a day and 20 tests in a full day. Not all face fit testers will offer this number of tests.

It is a legal requirement that workers using tight fitting respiratory protective equipment (face pieces/masks) must be fit tested by a competent person. This requirement is detailed in CoSHH regulations.
“Fit testing should be conducted by a competent person. Competence can be demonstrated by accreditation under the Fit2Fit RPE Fit Test Providers Accreditation Scheme. This scheme has been developed by the BSIF, together with industry stakeholders, and is supported by HSE.”
HSE – INDG479 Guidance on respiratory protective equipment
BAF Accreditation
HSE HSG17 safety in the use of abrasive wheels discuss The British Abrasives Federation (BAF) in the guidance. So why use TTS for abrasive wheel training? We have been BAF accredited for well over a decade. Our team have extensive experience in abrasive wheel training. In addition to this, we deliver more BAF accredited training than any other provider. Our aim is to deliver a course that is unrivalled. We cover every type of abrasive wheel and equipment. We tailor the training to the customers specific requirements. All trainees receive BAF official training certificates on completion, together with entry onto the national training register.

Achieving BAF standard means we can demonstrate our training has been independently assessed and verified. Is delivered in line with the current Health and Safety Executive guidance and ensures the information that we provide is accurate and up to date.
“In relation to abrasive wheels, PUWER 98 requires, among other things, that all machinery is suitable for its intended use and is properly maintained, and that employees, including those using, mounting and managing the operation of abrasive wheels, are fully informed and properly trained in their safe use.”
HSE – HSG 17 Safety in the Use of Abrasive Wheels
Fit2Fit Approval
We were in high demand to deliver face fit training at the start of covid. A lot of companies popped up during covid offering face fit testing and also face fit train the tester courses (face fit training). But, why use TTS over other providers. Our training manager sought to achieve fit2fit approval of our Qualitative Train the Tester and our Quantitative Train the Tester Courses. TTS were the fifth company in the country to have both our courses approved by fit2fit. Proof that the standard of training has been approved by fit2fit. We are proud of the quality of staff that deliver the training. We are more than face fit testers delivering a training course. All our instructors hold relevant teaching qualifications.

The content of these courses have been judged to include all aspects of the health and safety executive’s face fitting guidance and protocols. They will be delivered by a fit2fit accredited face fitter. All 16 points of competence as listed in INDG479 are covered in the training.
“RPE fit testing should be carried out by a competent person. A fit tester should have adequate knowledge, and have received adequate instruction and training.”
HSE – INDG 479 Guidance on respiratory protective equipment (RPE) fit testing
NUCO Approved, FAA Approved, Ofqual and SQA Regulated
So, why use TTS for first aid training? The training we deliver is to the highest standard, by experienced instructors. Approved by FAA, and NUCO. First Aid Awards Ltd (FAA), is an OFQUAL and SQA regulated Awarding Organisation. Our range of courses offer nationally regulated qualifications.

First Aid Awards (FAA) are regulated by Ofqual and SQA Accreditation. Qualifications sit on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).
“Regulated qualifications are delivered by training centres recognised by a regulated ‘awarding organisation’ (AO). These AOs are regulated by the national qualification regulators (Ofqual, SQA or Qualification Wales)* against standards for the design, delivery and award of qualifications.”
HSE – Selecting a first-aid training provider: A guide for employers GEIS3
Why Use TTS
We demonstrate our commitment to delivering the highest standard service by achieving the relevant industry recognised accreditations and approvals. When selecting any training or testing company we would recommend you look for qualified companies. In particular, we recommend you use companies who are trained in their specialist field. Honesty and integrity is a priority, in addition to the qualifications our team hold. For more help or information please contact one of our friendly team who will be happy to help.
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